Christians, the Bible, and the Ecological Crisis
About the book

Maintaining Hope

The fear I hear most often expressed about climate change is that of losing hope. Indeed, so much confronts us with the enormity, the frightening prospects of failure, frustration of living in a world subject to politicians and industries who ignore, deny, and play tricks to upend climate efforts. The recent hype against induction cooking […]

Recording of Webinar: Older Adults and Climate Change

Presbyterians for Earth Care hosted the webinar Older Adults and Climate Change on Tuesday, January 24. Registration and attendance were very high, for which we presenters (Bruce Gillette, PEC moderator; Dan Terpstra; Jim Antal; and I) were grateful. Here is an article about the webinar that appeared the following day from the Presbyterian News Service. […]

Webinar: Older Adults and Climate Change

  Webinar is this Tuesday, January 24, 2023, 7:30 pm Eastern Tim! Sign up here. And, here are some resources I’ve assembled for helping everyone implement climate action: “A Brief but Spectacular Take on Working Together for Climate Action,” PBS News Hour with Bill McKibben. Patricia K. Tull, “A Faithful Third Act,” Presbyterian Outlook, January […]

A Faithful Third Act

  This article, A Faithful Third Act,  just appeared in the Presbyterian Outlook. Many thanks to Dan Terpstra for urging me to write it, and to Outlook editor Teri Ott for asking me not only to write it but to expand it. The article anticipates a webinar called Climate Change and Older Adults, that I will be doing […]

Net-Zero Presentations

I’ve had several requests to view the presentations I gave last spring about our net-zero house in Henryville, so I’m gathering access to all three recordings here. The first was with Tri-State Creation Care in Evansville, Indiana last January. It features our builder Nick Romeo in the Q&A portion. They sent me a copy of […]

Hello? Hello! Fictions and Facts about Electric Vehicles

Yesterday my friend the Rev. Dr. Shelley Wiley, who recently came with her spouse Jon Vanderglas to visit and is preparing to lead a congregational Bible study using Inhabiting Eden, sent me a Facebook post shared by her cousin in Georgia about electric vehicles. She wondered how to respond. As the happy owner of a […]

Faith and the Climate Crisis

I’m out in Pullman, Washington, visiting my daughter Claire’s family for the first time in nearly two years. I hadn’t seen their three-year-old son Neil in all that time, so there is a lot of catching up to do. I am grateful for the speedy development of vaccinations that made this visit possible. We had […]

A Mostly True Article, and a Recording of the Zero-Energy Presentation

Last week I had the privilege of sharing our family’s journey of conserving energy in our old home and our new one with a lot of Presbyterians via Zoom through the Presbyterian Hunger Program. You can see the hour-long presentation itself here. Today someone sent me a truly nice write-up about the presentation that was […]