A Mostly True Article, and a Recording of the Zero-Energy Presentation
Last week I had the privilege of sharing our family’s journey of conserving energy in our old home and our new one with a lot of Presbyterians via Zoom through the Presbyterian Hunger Program. You can see the hour-long presentation itself here.
Today someone sent me a truly nice write-up about the presentation that was sent out to the program’s mailing list. Here it is…
It’s mostly true. I can’t take credit for raising two-thirds of the kids in our blended family as the article suggests, and my car is a Bolt, which everyone confuses with a Volt. That’s Chevrolet’s fault, but they are way two different cars. Mine doesn’t drink gas at all. Couldn’t if it tried.
The first time I did the presentation for Tri-State Creation Care in Evansville, our builder Nick Romeo joined in the meeting and helped answer questions. This time, our designer, Ted Clifton of Zero Energy Plans took part, and also answered questions when they got too technical for me (which they quickly did).
On April 27, I’ll be presenting again, this time for Earth Care Bloomington (Indiana). Here’s a flyer with all the registration info. This time, both Ted Clifton and Steve Ricketts of Solar Energy Solutions, our solar installer, will be there to help answer questions. I’m hoping these presentations will help demystify what getting to carbon neutral looks and feels like in homes, and will encourage others to try it.