Retreat, Webinars, NPR, and the Shrine

Strange how things converge. Just before a fabulous GreenFaith Fellows retreat at the Quaker retreat center Pendle Hill in eastern Pennsylvania, I was coached into doing two webinars. Within three days. With two different outfits. In between speaking to two classes of middle-schoolers at Sacred Heart school in Jeffersonville and teaching one Bible study at […]

GreenFaith Ground for Hope Conferences in Lexington and Louisville this weekend

Really looking forward to the GreenFaith Ground for Hope Bluegrass conference in Lexington this Saturday morning, 9:00-12:00, at Central Christian Church (205 East Short Street). I will be keynote speaker, and there will be workshops on creation themes in worship, religious education, and spiritual practice; on greening worship facilities; and on faith-based advocacy and fossil […]

Minding Nature

Been leading two middle east travel seminars, woke up to the call of the muezzins in Bethlehem. This morning we will worship at the Christmas Lutheran Church with the congregation of the Rev. Mitri Raheb. In the meantime, here is a link to an article of mine published last month in the journal Minding Nature, from […]

Attitudes and Behaviors

          The natural world doesn’t care what humansthink. But it responds forcefully to what we actuallydo. Climate change was no threat for the first million years of human existence, not because we paid more attention then to the atmosphere’s carbon level, but because we hadn’t discovered fossil fuels and their energy […]