Thanks to Generous Donors, We Have a Truck!

“So I say to you, Ask, and it will be given you; search, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened for you.” (Luke 11:9)

Greetings from Dr. Trisha Tull, Bishop Tom Ochuka, and God’s Green Resourceful Earth!

Last year at this time we had no idea of the opportunities that would open this year. We can only express our thanks to God and to all the friends who have opened the door to our knocking.

God’s Green Resourceful Earth’s tree nursery and seedling giveaway, its environmental education, and its services to the Kisumu, Kenya area had been growing steadily since their beginning in 2016 from a person-to-person connection between the Rev. Tom Ochuka in Kisumu and the Rev. Dr. Trisha Tull in Henryville, Indiana.

(Read more about our story here)

Our new partnership with Basic Needs, Simple Solutions in Indianapolis last summer made three new things possible at once:

  • First, we were able to apply for an Indianapolis-based grant from The Power of One, enabling us to add a five-acre site to our plantings. This will be planted as soon as the spring rains end this month.
  • Second, we were able to take on an ambitious campaign that by February 2024 was fully funded by generous American dollars, enabling us, among many other things, to purchase the Isuzu truck you see above, to transport seedlings, agricultural materials and equipment, and set-ups for environmental education meetings in the Kisumu area.
    • As before, we were able to supplement our seedlings with fruit, purchasing seeds to grow avocados, lemons, mangos, and other fruit trees.
    • And we purchased from ICRAF in Nairobi, the nonprofit that supplies our seeds, 10 of these green bee boxes. Each box is expected to produce 10 kilograms of honey every three months.
    • And we started our first flock of 100 hens in their own henhouse. The ones you see here are 7 weeks old. They will eventually not only lay eggs but produce chicks to multiply the flocks available in the area.
  • Third, many more opportunities arose this year in the U.S. to share the work of God’s Green Resourceful Earth, leading not only to growth of our reach but also to several new friends making plans to join us in a visit this September. We will certainly have much to tell you as we travel and meet with Rev. Tom and his congregations, volunteers, and partners in Kenya.


Contributions are still needed to help grow and stabilize the work of God’s Green Resourceful Earth in 2024.

Mail tax-deductible donations to:

God’s Green Resourceful Earth @Basic and Simple

2116 West Washington St., Indianapolis, IN  46241

To make a tax-deductible donation through PayPal or a credit or debit card, follow this link. 


Would you like Dr. Trisha and/or Bishop Tom to lead your class, church, or other group in an in-depth discussion of earth care, especially in Kenya, via Zoom? Contact Trisha Tull ( to make arrangements.


Would you like to visit us in Kisumu and see what we do in person? Contact Trisha Tull.

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