What We Love, We Protect

A few months ago at the public library in Evansville, Indiana, 125 people gathered for a program about building backyard bird habitats, complete with hundreds of photos of warblers and other songbirds, all taken in the presenter’s own yard. She emphasized the need for local and migratory birds to find water, food, and shelter at […]

Collaborating against Climate Change

Collaboration–what a concept in the nonstop world of competitive partisanship, where millions are spent promoting one message, one candidate, one worldview over against another, while children skip meals. The day before the crashing finale of the most disturbing presidential race ever, “bipartisan” seems pretty remote. But it is happening in some places. Groups like the Friends […]

Postcards from Peru, Part 1

COP 20, the twentieth meeting of the UN “Conference of the Parties,” to clarify worldwide agreements for action against climate change, occurred in Lima, Peru the first half of December. There a proposal was drafted to be filled in by each nation and then ratified at COP 21 in Paris next year. This sounds, like most […]

Clergy Speaking Out on Climate Change

A new report entitled “Believers, Sympathizers, and Skeptics: Why Americans Are Conflicted about Climate Change, Environmental Policy, and Science” offers very interesting statistics on American views of climate change. Jointly prepared by the Public Religion Research Institute and the American Academy of Religion, it highlights views by political and religious affiliation. Among many other things, it discusses […]