Presbyterians for Earth Care 2020 Lenten Devotion
This year it was my privilege to coordinate and recruit a wonderful
group of talented writers to assemble the Presbyterians for Earth Care
Lenten devotion for 2020. The theme is based on Genesis 1:29-31, “God
Provides Enough For All.”
The devotions run from Ash Wednesday to Easter
Sunday. Many thanks to David Shinn, Jeffrey Geary, Carissa Herold, Christian McIvor, Shelley Wiley, Kymberley Clemons-Jones, Jacqueline Lapsley, Anne Richter, Bridgett Green, and Tyler Mayfield for thinking together deeply about Scripture and Earth Care.
The devotion is available on the Presbyterians for Earth Care website here:…/2020-Lenten-Study-012920-web.…
and here:…/2020-Lenten-Study-012920-P.pdf
Anyone who would like to subscribe can do so here:…