Christians, the Bible, and the Ecological Crisis
About the book

Set to Travel to Kenya!

God’s Green Resourceful Earth was born in 2016 of a partnership between Bishop Tom Ochuka of Kisumu, Kenya and the Rev. Dr. Patricia Tull of Indiana. Over the years it has grown from a small tree nursery on the grounds of the bishop’s office in Kisumu to encompass an acre and a half of vegetables […]

El Niño Flooding in Kisumu

Last Sunday, the Nyando River burst its banks, leaving many families in the Kisumu area of Kenya homeless. Lake Victoria is also flooding farms and homes. Many of the poorer families in the area who partner with God’s Green Resourceful Earth, benefiting from trees and agricultural training, have been devastated by losses of human lives, […]

Carbon and Energy

Today, Earth Day #55, I am preparing live internet links for my newest Bible study, Let Justice Roll Down: God’s Call to Care for Neighbors and All Creation, which is the 2024-2025 Horizons Bible Study published by Presbyterian Women, so that readers of the study can view the study’s underlying research sources. One piece of […]

Thanks to Generous Donors, We Have a Truck!

“So I say to you, Ask, and it will be given you; search, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened for you.” (Luke 11:9) Greetings from Dr. Trisha Tull, Bishop Tom Ochuka, and God’s Green Resourceful Earth! Last year at this time we had no idea of the opportunities that would […]

Let Justice Roll Down Like Water

The 2024-2025 Presbyterian Women Horizons Bible Study, Let Justice Roll Down: God’s Call to Care for Neighbors and All Creation, is now ready to pre-order and should be available later this month. I’m so excited that the Rev. Rebecca Barnes wrote the Suggestions for Leaders and artist Lorraine Roy provided the fiber art images. Here is […]

Faith and Creation: LPTS Big Questions Class

This spring Dr. Tyler Mayfield and I have been leading a seminary class at my home in Henryville called Faith and Creation. Every Monday afternoon we gather 15 students to learn with us about a different environmental topic. The students first spend about 10 minutes checking on their chosen tree, to observe its changes as […]

Maintaining Hope

The fear I hear most often expressed about climate change is that of losing hope. Indeed, so much confronts us with the enormity, the frightening prospects of failure, frustration of living in a world subject to politicians and industries who ignore, deny, and play tricks to upend climate efforts. The recent hype against induction cooking […]